Sunday, June 20, 2010

My JUNE favourite DB2 9.7 articels

Finally, today i completed my DB2 9.7 Database administrator certification. DB2 9.7 have a good bunch of new feature that simplifies every DB2 DBAs job. Oracle Compatibility is very good feature that IBM brought into the product.

WLM which was launched as part of DB2 9.5 is enhanced in DB2 9.7 and is really one of the powerful feature in DB2 9.7. Along with it couple of new monitoring views, event monitors are released that help in identifying how data server is performing at a given point in time. New DB2 HADR feature provide read only standby.
Some of the other interesting feature that i rated are
2) Index compression
3) New Monitoring views
4) New Event monitors
5) WLM enhancement
6) Online table move

and many more.....

I am not very interested in XML technology in DB2, but IBM had extended the XML capability in DPF environment which was not possible in previous releases.

DB2 9.7 and all the future version will bring really interesting extensions to DB2.

I am awaiting for DB2 9.8 pureScale for Linux. DB2 9.8 is really gone shake the market for OLTP application. It has brilliant technology running under its bonnet which is borrowed from its successful implementation in Mainframe.
Some of the good dw articles i find interesting for the month of June 2010 are

1) DB2 pureScale - Group Crash Recovery

2) IBM InfoSphere Federation Server Best Practice

3) Unleash the power of table partitioning in your DB2 9.7 warehouse

4) IBM DB2 e-kit for Database Professional

5) Whats new with DB2 Express-C 9.7.2

6) Build skills for DB2 for Linux, Unix and Windows


Anonymous said...

Can you please provide with a comparison feature list between DB2 v9.7 and v9.8

Gilroy N. Gonsalves said...

DB2 9.8 is a seperate DB2 product under DB2 family. It include all the feature of DB2 9.7 with additional pureScale technology. pureScale technology provides Active/Active configuration using IBM TSAMP, GPFS, CF and interconnect. In simple term, pureScale provides "share everything archicture" where more than one node can access one single database concurrently providing near real time HA. Refer to some of the ref link at below URL