Monday, November 15, 2010

DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA - Part 01 - Installing and configuring VMWare environment

In this blog i will explain the steps needed to install VMWare software.
DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA Part 00 - Introduction

A) Introduction

VMWare is the industry standard virtualization software company. VMWare Server is one of the virtualization software that allows to run multiple Guest OS on top of single Host OS. For example, a laptop having Microsoft Windows XP Operating System is termed as Host OS. VMWare Server software is then installed on this Host OS. VMWare Server then provides services that allows running multiple OS called as Guest OS under its runtime environment. 

B) Download Details
The VMware software can be downloaded from VMWare website
Download Source

C) Installation

D) Configuration

Start the VMWare Server from Windows XP Start Menu

Start -> VMware -> VMware Server -> VMware Server Home Page

Step 1: Login to VMware server using your Host OS Login crediantial

Step 2:
  • Create Virtual Machine using the menu Virtual Machine -> Create Virtual Machine
  • Provide name for your new virtual machine. In our case the name of the Virtual Machine is mumbai
  • Select the Guest OS that will be installed on Virtual Machine. In our case the guest OS is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
  • Select the Physical Memory for the Guest OS. This memory will the pulled from Host OS. In our case I specified 1024MB. Kindly select appropriate memory based on available memory on you machine. Giving more memory than what is available on laptop may result into paging.
  • Create hard disk for virtual machine that will be used to install Guest OS. Select Create a New Virtual Disk
  • Provide value for Hard disk properties
Capacity :- 10GB
Location :- [standard] chicago/chicago.vmdk
File Option :- Make sure “Allocate all disk space now” is unchecked.
Disk Mode :- Independent -> Persistent
Virtual Device Node :- Adapter => SCSI 0 Device => 0
Policies :- Optimize for safety

  • Add network adapter for the virtual machine. Select Add a Network Adapter
  • Select Bridged Network Connection

  • Create Media drive for your Guest OS. Select “Use a Physical Drive
  • Give drive name for the media drive
  • Ignore creation of Floppy dirve for Guest OS
  • Add USB controller for Guest OS

  • Summary of the new Virtual machine that will be created. Click Finish to create virtual machine

    • New virtual machine is created in is listed on Left Panel in VMware Home Page

    Step 3 : Installing the Guest Operating System on Virtual Machine

    After creating the Virtual machine, next task is to install the Guest OS on the Virtual Machine. For this sample example we use CentOS 5.2 Linux Operating System. This is the same package that will is used to develop the RED HAT Enterprise Linux Operating System.

  • Donwload Instruction

  • Item#Description
    Download Source

    • Start the Virtual Machine by clicking the Green Play button on top menu. Before starting the Virtual Machine make sure the CentOS CD is inserted into your CD Drive. VMware pick the detail and start the Linux Installation setup.
    • Click the Console tab which will let you see the insall screen. Click the Window which will open a new VMware client window

    • This will show the Linux OS install steps. Follow the Linux step to install Linux OS on Virtual Machine

    • Install all the package to avoid problem of missing library files. Also provide following details
    Hostname : chicago.localdomain
    IP Address eth0 :
    Default Gateway eth0:
    IP Address eth1 :
    Default Gateway eth1 : None

    Step 4: Starting the Viirtual Machine
    • Once the OS is installed on the virtual machine, start the virtual machine to login to Guest OS
    • Login to the Guest OS using the login credential provide during the Linux OS installation.

    Sunday, November 14, 2010

    DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA - Part 00

    In coming weeks before I start my Christmas vacation, i would be presenting series of blogs explaining the DB2 9.7 HADR configuration using TSA. All work which i would be presenting in the upcoming blogs was carried out on VMWare test environment. 

    The DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA series of blogs is organised in following sections

    The idea behind this series is to configure DB2 HADR with TSA and provide detailed Steps for HADR configuration.