Part 02 - Introduction to DB2 Log Manger
Part 03 - Introduction to DB2 Logging MechanismPart 04 - DB2 Backup with example
Recovery of database is one of the DBAs worst nightmare. In the age of internet, where information is capture and stored for analytical purpose, there is pressure on IT infrastructure to accomodate such a large volume of data. Database are growing in size each day and pressure to deliver result in sub-second response time become every more critical. Failure in such a critical system result into hugh loss. Further, corruption of data results into serious consequence.
In order to support such kind of critical data, new way of are develop to protect and recovery the data. Today, every RDBMS available in the market support it own level of recovery mechanism. DB2 is no different to any of other product available in the market. It offer a more simple and faster way to recover the data in the every of corruption or data loss. With each new version of DB2, there is a major improvement in the area of Backup and Recovery thereby reducing the RTO and RPO.
In this blog, I will discuss different type of DB2 recovery option and will present sample examples.
Type of Recoveries
DB2 support three type of Recovery mechanism. They are discussed below
01) Crash Recovery
- It is a type of recovery which bring the database back to the consistent state after unplanned failure
- It perform rollback operation of the transaction that were not committed and perform data page externalization for all the committed transactions
- If the tablespace is damaged in circular logging database and cannot be made online then in order to start the database it needs to be dropped to start the database else database will not start
- If the database is not started, try restarting it using RESTART command
- If there are corrupt tablespace the database restart will fail with SQL0290N error code
- Then check the DB2 administration notification file for list of all tablespace that are in DROP PENDING state
cd /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump
vi db2inst1.nfy
- Try restarting the database with DROP PEDNING clause
- Click here to get more detail on DB2 Crash Recovery
- Crash recovery can be automated or can be done manually
- Enabling Automated crash recovery
- Set DB CFG parameter “autorestart” to “ON”
- Following the failure, DB2 will automatically restore the database to a consistent point by rolling forward and backup the changes from Active log files
- Manually performing the Crash recovery
- DB CFG parameter “autorestart” is set to “OFF”
- Following the failure, “RESTART DATABASE” is issued to perform the crash recovery
02) Version Recovery
- It restores the database from the consistent full offline backup available.
- Restore from only full offline backup operation is available.
- Version recovery can be used with circular logging and archival logging database.
- If the database is enabled for archival logging, then using only the FULL OFFLINE BACKUP of the database with the “WITHOUT ROLLING FORWARD” at the end of the “RESTORE” command can be used to perform version recovery.
- All the transaction after the last full offline backup are lost in this type of recovery.
- Click here to find more about DB2 Version Recovery.
- Version recovery example
Sr. No
Sample DB2 Command
1 | Check if database is configured for Circular logging. If database is configured for Archival logging this step is not needed. | db2 get db cfg for sample | grep -i log LOGARCHMETH1 = OFF |
2 | Perform Offline backup of the database | -- Deactivate the database db2 deactivate db sample -- Check if the database is deactivated. This command check for db2loggr process. If not listed then DB is deactivated db2pd -edus | grep -i db2lo -- Perform offline backup of the database db2 “backup database sample to /backup compress” |
3 | Identify the set of offline backup and determine the recovery point | db2 “list history backup all for database sample” Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log Backup ID -- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ -------------- B D 20110520114322001 F D S0000023.LOG S0000023.LOG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contains 3 tablespace(s): 00001 SYSCATSPACE 00002 USERSPACE1 00003 SYSTOOLSPACE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment: DB2 BACKUP SAMPLE OFFLINE Start Time: 20110520114322 End Time: 20110520114345 Status: A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EID: 29 Location: /home/db2inst1/gilroy/bar |
4 | Determine which version of the database is needed using the timestamp displayed from the “LIST HISTORY” command | Details captured from previous command 1) Timestamp => 20110520114322001 2) Backup image location => /home/db2inst1/gilroy/bar |
5.a | Version recovery on Circular Logging Database | db2 “restore db sample from /home/db2inst1/gilroy/bar taken at 20110520114322001 into testdb” |
5.b. | Version recovery on Archival logging database | db2 “restore db sample from /home/db2inst1/gilroy/bar taken at 20110520114322001 into testdb without rolling forward” |
3) Rollforward Recovery (RFR)
- It is the most flexible recovery type and provide different option of recovery.
- It work in combination with BACKUP image, ARCHIVE LOG and ACTIVE LOG files.
- Click here for more detail on DB2 Roll Forward Recovery.
- The two type of recovery to consider are
- Database rollforward recovery
- Tablespace rollforward recovery
- If the database is restored from online full backup “WITHOUT ROLLING FORWARD” clause then “ROLLFORWARD” operation is needed after “RESTORE” operation.
- In this recovery type, after the RESTORE of the database or tablespace is performed, it sets the database in “ROLLFORWARD PENDING” state.
- To take the database or tablespace out of “ROLLFORWARD PENDING” state, “ROLLFORWARD” command needs to be executed.
3.a) Database Rollforward Recovery
- The database rollforward recovery option available are
- End of logs
- End of backup
- Point in time
- In DPF environment,
- If Point in time recovery is performed, then all the database partition needs to be rollforwarded to a particular point in time. i.e PIT applies to all partition
- If a single Database partition recovery is needed, then only recovery option available is the “End of Logs”.
3.b) Tablespace Rollforward Recovery
- The tablespace rollforward recovery option available are
- End of logs
- Point in time
- In order to perform tablespace recovery, a full backup of the database is needed which include all the tablespaces or backup of individual tablespaces are needed.
- Log files are also needed to perform the rollforward operation.
- After a tablespace restore, it always places tablesplace in roll forward pending state.
- After the restore a ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command is needed on the the restored tablespace.
Useful Examples
1) Redirect restore of the database using version recovery
a) DB is enable for archival logging.
b) Perform offline backup of the database
- Offline backup is needed when the current database has to be redirected restore.(Requires, only the Offline backup image)
- Online backup can also be used, but transaction done during the online backup needs to be rollforward (Requires, Online Backup image + Archive/Active Log file)
- Version recovery if offline backup is used
- Roll-forward recovery if online backup is used
2) Restore a failed Tablespace (Non-SYSCAT)
A) Restore failed tablespace from the available backup image
a) Identify the tablespace that is failed- ADMIN NOTIFICATION FILE
- db2pd -tablespace -db sample
b) Restore the tablespace from the available backup image
db2 restore db sample tablespace (userspace1) online
c) Rollforward the tablespace to end of logs
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs tablespace(userspace1) online"
d) Optional. Take backup of database or backup of the restored tablespace
B) Backup image is not available for the failed tablespace
a) Identify the tablespace that is failed
- db2pd -tablespace -db sample
b) Check the create time of the failed tablespace
db2 "select varchar(TBSPACE,40),CREATE_TIME from syscat.tablespaces order by CREATE_TIME desc"
c) Check the available backup image
Sample DB2 Command |
select START_TIME ,varchar(FIRSTLOG,12) as firstlog ,varchar(LASTLOG,12) as lastlog ,case OPERATIONTYPE when 'N' then 'Online Full DB Backup' when 'O' then 'Incremental DB backup' when 'F' then 'Offline full DB backup' when 'E' then 'Delta DB Backup' end as Backup_type ,varchar(LOCATION,80) as backup_location --,SQLCODE ,case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end as Object_type from sysibmadm.db_history where operation='B' and OPERATIONTYPE in ('N','O','F','E') and SQLCODE is null order by START_TIME desc |
- Perform full database restore from the latest BKP image
- Rollforward the database to end of logs and complete
- Deactivate the Database
- Restore the tablespace from full database backup or TBSP backup
- Rollforward DB to end of logs and complete
g) Note:-
- When any new tablespace is created after Full/incremental/Delta backup, it is important that backup of new tablespace is created. This will avoid a full database restore operation if the tablespace fail before the next backup. This recovery scenario is covered in this case.
- Also in DB2, recovery never goes below tablespace level. i.e the maximum recovery that you can achive is until Tablespace level nothing below that.
- i.e. we have Database => Tablespace => Container => Disk.
- Here, we can recover Database, Tablespace. But no Container recovery is possible.
- Container recovery is possible by doing
- Restore Tablespace from DB backup or Tablespace backup
- Rollforward to end of log
h) Command:-
Method 1 : Manual Incremental Restore of tablespace with backup having tablespace details
db2 “restore db sample tablespace ( RST_BKP_TEST ) online incremental taken at 201108051628”
-- This command will take the tablespace out of “Restore Pending” state and put it in “Roll forward Pedding” state.Note here we are not mentioning the tablespace name.
db2 “restore db sample tablespace online incremental taken at 20110805162803”
-- Rollforward the database to end of logs
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs and complete tablespace(RST_BKP_TEST) online"
Method 2: Manual Restore of tablespace with backup having tablespace details
-- This command will restore the tablespace from backup image and put it in “Roll Forward Pending” state
db2 "restore db sample tablespace(RST_TBSP_TEST) online taken at 20110804170807"
-- Rollforward the database to end of logs
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs and complete tablespace(RST_BKP_TEST) online"
Method 3: Manual Restore of tablespace with no backup of the tablespace
-- This command will consider all the tablespace that was available before the RESTORE start. This does not require the backup image to have all new tablespace. i.e if any new tablespace is created after last backup then this command will take care of it.
-- This command will do a simple restore of Database from the backup image
db2 “restore db sample taken at 20110804170807”
-- Rollforward the database to end of logs
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs and complete tablespace(RST_BKP_TEST) online"
Method 4: Automatic Incremental Restore of the tablespace with backup image having tablespace details
-- Restore Database using the latest backup or the backup image that you want to restore. It can be incremental or full backup
db2 "restore db sample tablespace ( RST_BKP_TEST ) online incremental auto taken at 20110805162803"
-- Rollforward the database to end of logs
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs and complete tablespace(RST_BKP_TEST) online"
3) Get the backup status
Sample DB2 command |
drop function get_bkp_status @ create function get_bkp_status() returns table ( start_time timestamp ,firstlog varchar(12) ,lastlog varchar(12) ,backup_type varchar(30) ,backup_location varchar(50) -- ,sqlcode integer ,object_type varchar(12) ) specific get_bkp_status BEGIN ATOMIC return select START_TIME ,varchar(FIRSTLOG,12) as firstlog ,varchar(LASTLOG,12) as lastlog ,case OPERATIONTYPE when 'N' then 'Online ' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' Backup' when 'O' then 'Incremental Online' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' Backup' when 'F' then 'Offline ' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' Backup' when 'E' then 'Delta Online' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' Backup' end as Backup_type ,varchar(LOCATION,80) as backup_location --,SQLCODE ,case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end as Object_type from sysibmadm.db_history where operation='B' and OPERATIONTYPE in ('N','O','F','E') and SQLCODE is null order by START_TIME desc ; end @ |
4) Get Restore Status
Sample DB2 Command |
drop function get_rst_status @ create function get_rst_status() returns table ( start_time timestamp ,firstlog varchar(12) ,lastlog varchar(12) ,restore_type varchar(30) ,restore_location varchar(50) --,sqlcode integer ,Object_type varchar(12) ) specific get_rst_status BEGIN ATOMIC return select START_TIME ,varchar(FIRSTLOG,12) as firstlog ,varchar(LASTLOG,12) as lastlog ,case OPERATIONTYPE when 'N' then 'Online ' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' Restore' when 'O' then 'Incremental Online ' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' Restore' when 'F' then 'Offline ' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' Restore' end as Restore_type ,varchar(LOCATION,80) as restore_location -- ,SQLCODE ,case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end as Object_type from sysibmadm.db_history where operation='R' and OPERATIONTYPE in ('N','O','F') and SQLCODE is null order by START_TIME desc ; end @ |
5) Get Rollforward Status
Sample DB2 Command |
drop function get_rf_status @ create function get_rf_status() returns table ( start_time timestamp ,firstlog varchar(12) ,lastlog varchar(12) ,rf_type varchar(40) ,rf_location varchar(50) --,sqlcode integer ,Object_type varchar(12) ) specific get_rf_status BEGIN ATOMIC return select START_TIME ,varchar(FIRSTLOG,12) as firstlog ,varchar(LASTLOG,12) as lastlog ,case OPERATIONTYPE when 'E' then 'Rollforward ' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' to End of Logs ' when 'P' then 'Rollforward ' || case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end || ' to Point in Time' end as rf_type ,varchar(LOCATION,80) as restore_location -- ,SQLCODE ,case OBJECTTYPE when 'D' then 'Database' when 'P' then 'Tablespace' when 'T' then 'Table' end as Object_type from sysibmadm.db_history where operation='F' and OPERATIONTYPE in ('E','P') and SQLCODE is null order by START_TIME desc ; end @ |
6) Get Current Log details
Sample DB2 Command |
7) Track the log utilization Progress
Sample DB2 Command |
while true; do db2 -x "select current timestamp,varchar(DB_NAME,8) as DBNAME ,LOG_UTILIZATION_PERCENT ,substr(TOTAL_LOG_USED_KB,0,15) as TOTAL_LOG_USED_KB ,substr(TOTAL_LOG_AVAILABLE_KB,0,15) as TOTAL_LOG_AVAILABLE_KB ,substr(TOTAL_LOG_USED_TOP_KB ,0,15) as TOTAL_LOG_USED_TOP_KB FROM SYSIBMADM.LOG_UTILIZATION"; sleep 10; done |
8) Simulate Insert without commit
Sample DB2 Command |
while true; do db2 +c "insert into rst_bkp_test select int(RAND() * 10000) from sysibm.sysdummy1"; done |
9) Simulate Insert with Commit
Sample DB2 Command |
while true; do db2 "insert into rst_bkp_test select int(RAND() * 10000) from sysibm.sysdummy1"; db2 commit; done |
10) Generating SQL from the output of SELECT query
Sample DB2 Command |
db2 -x "select TBSPACE from syscat.tablespaces" | while read applid ; do echo "alter tablespace $applid maxsize none"; done |
11) Get the number of logs in each chain... This is using GROUPING SET clause
Sample DB2 Command |
db2 "select last_log, first_log, sum(r2) as total_logs_in_chain from (select varchar(LASTLOG,12) as last_log, varchar(FIRSTLOG,12) as first_log, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY FIRSTLOG order by FIRSTLOG) as r2 from sysibmadm.db_history where operation = 'X' and OPERATIONTYPE in ('1') GROUP BY LASTLOG,FIRSTLOG ) as t GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (last_log,first_log), (last_log) )" == OR == db2 "select last_log as log_chain, sum(r2) as total_logs_in_chain from (select varchar(LASTLOG,12) as last_log, varchar(FIRSTLOG,12) as first_log, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY FIRSTLOG order by FIRSTLOG) as r2 from sysibmadm.db_history where operation = 'X' and OPERATIONTYPE in ('1') GROUP BY LASTLOG,FIRSTLOG ) as t GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (last_log,first_log), (last_log) ) fetch first 2 rows only" |
12) Get the number of logs in the chains......This is using ROLLUP Function
Sample DB2 Command |
db2 "select last_log, first_log, sum(r2) as total_logs_in_chain from (select varchar(LASTLOG,12) as last_log, varchar(FIRSTLOG,12) as first_log, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY FIRSTLOG order by FIRSTLOG) as r2 from sysibmadm.db_history where operation = 'X' and OPERATIONTYPE in ('1') GROUP BY LASTLOG,FIRSTLOG ) as t GROUP BY rollup( last_log, first_log ) fetch first 3 rows only” ==OR== db2 "select last_log as log_chain, sum(r2) as total_logs_in_chain from (select varchar(LASTLOG,12) as last_log, varchar(FIRSTLOG,12) as first_log, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY FIRSTLOG order by FIRSTLOG) as r2 from sysibmadm.db_history where operation = 'X' and OPERATIONTYPE in ('1') GROUP BY LASTLOG,FIRSTLOG ) as t GROUP BY rollup( last_log, first_log ) fetch first 3 rows only" |
1) SQL1268N Roll-forward recovery stopped due to SQL2062N error when trying to restore from an online backup using the INCLUDE LOGS option. Click here to view more
2) DB2 Backup and Recovery Overview
3) DB2 9 Database Rebuild Support 7 Recovery Enhancements - by Melanie Stopfer, IDUG 2008, North America, Session:D07
HI Gilroy,
Nice article. I got to know so much from your article.
Can you tell me if the database log record can be recovered if it is not marked as propagatable.
If it is not related to any thing about recovery then can you tell me what does propagatable log record mean?
Thank you
One day I have found that I have lost db2 database table space due to some corruption error. As you have already mention in your post, I also tried Tablespace Rollforward Recovery option because I had only full database backup. But this option was unable to repair corrupt table space corruption. I had tried a lot of steps but unable to find the solution & cause of table space corruption. At last, I have found a blog post on table space corruption solutions. The post had one another solution that is third party db2 database recovery software. I found one good software on internet i.e. Stellar Phoenix DB2 Database Recovery Software. The software helped me to repair corrupt table space & I get back my database. I was so happy :) as all the work was saved in the database!!
db2 server when database is processing slow what step will be taken... pls tell me
Hello Gilroy,
I have the below issue on the TSMA and backups are not happeinng because two nodes are down.Kindly help on it.
Failed offline IBM.ResourceGroup:tsm-tsminst7-rg Request=Online Nominal=Online
|- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_aclg
|- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_aclg:tsm1stg2
'- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_aclg:tsm2stg2
|- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_arlg
|- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_arlg:tsm1stg2
'- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_arlg:tsm2stg2
|- Failed offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_db
|- Failed offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_db:tsm1stg2
'- Failed offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_db:tsm2stg2
|- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_dspl
|- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_dspl:tsm1stg2
'- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_dspl:tsm2stg2
|- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_inst
|- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_inst:tsm1stg2
'- Offline IBM.AgFileSystem:TSMSTG2_inst:tsm2stg2
|- Offline IBM.Application:tsm-tsminst7-server-rs
|- Offline IBM.Application:tsm-tsminst7-server-rs:tsm1stg2
'- Offline IBM.Application:tsm-tsminst7-server-rs:tsm2stg2
'- Offline IBM.ServiceIP:tsm-tsminst7-ip-rs
|- Offline IBM.ServiceIP:tsm-tsminst7-ip-rs:tsm1stg2
'- Offline IBM.ServiceIP:tsm-tsminst7-ip-rs:tsm2stg2
Online IBM.Equivalency:tsm-neq
|- Online IBM.NetworkInterface:bond0:tsm1stg2
'- Online IBM.NetworkInterface:bond0:tsm2stg2
Please help on it
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