Sunday, March 13, 2011

DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA - Part 05 - Creating Instance and Database

In this post i will give steps to create DB2 Instance and DB2 database.

DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA Part 00 - Introduction

DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA Part 1 : Installing and configuring VMWare environment

DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA Part 2 : Installing IBM tools for querying and monitoring purpose

DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA Part 3 : Installing IBM DB2 9.7 database

DB2 9.7 HADR with TSA Part 4: Installing DB2 9.7 Fixpack

A) Steps to Create DB2 Instance

Item# Description Command
1 Create new DB2 OS group
1) Instance Owner Group
groupadd -g 110 db2iadm1

2) Fence User Group
groupadd -g 112 db2grp1
2 Create DB2 instance ownere user
1) DB2 Instance Owner user
useradd -u 550 -g 110 -d /home/db2inst1 -m -c "DB2 Instance Owner" db2inst1

2) Set the instance owner password
passwd db2inst1
3 Create new DB2 fence user
1) DB2 Fence user
useradd -u 551 -g 112 -d /home/db2fenc1 -m -c "DB2 Fence User" db2fenc1

2) Set Fence user password
passwd db2fenc1
4 Create DB2 Instance
1) Login as "root" user

2) Change directory to db2 install path
cd /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/instance

3) Create DB2 instance
./db2icrt -u db2fenc1 db2inst1
5 Start the DB2 instance
1) Login as DB2 Instance Owner

2) Check the $DB2INSTANCE environment to reflect the instance name

3) Start the DB2 database manager (DBM)

4) Check if DB2 database manager is started
db2pd -edus
Check DB2 Database Manager Parameters

db2 get dbm cfg

B) Steps to Create DB2 database

Item# Description Command
1 Create DB2 Database
1) Login as DB2 instance owner

2) Create SAMPLE database

3) Activate the SAMPLE database
db2 activate db sample

4) Check if the database is activate successfully
db2pd -edus

5) Check the database parameters
db2 get db cfg for sample

C) Connecting to remote database using JDBC

Item# Description Command
1 Check the port number associate to instance
more /etc/services | grep -i db2inst1
2 Check if the required port is set in SVCENAME DBM parameter
get dbm cfg | grep i svcename
3 Check if the DB2COMM variable is set
db2set -all
4 Set DBM and registry variable variable and restart the instance
1)Set DBM parameter
update dbm cfg using svcename 60008

2) Set registry variable
db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

3) Restart the DB2 instance
db2stop force;db2start
5 JDBC Connection Details 1) Hostname
2) Database Name
3) Instance Port number
4) Username
5) Password

D) Dropping the instance and database

Item# Description Command
1 Drop the database
1) Login as instance owner user under which DB2 database is created

2) Check if it is the correct instance
db2 get instance

3) Check the database that needs to be dropped
db2 list db directory

4) Deactivate the database
a) db2 force application all
b) db2 terminate
c) db2 deactivate db sample

5) Drop the appropriate database
db2 DROP DATABASE sample
2 Drop the Instance
1) Login as instance owner

2) Stop the instance
db2stop force

3) Check if instance is stopped
db2pd -edus

4) Login as "root" user

5) Change to DB2 Install directory

6) Drop the Instance
./db2idrop db2inst1
3 Delete the instance user, fence user and DB user
1) Delete the instance owner user
userdel -f db2inst1

2) Delete the fence user
userdel -f db2inst1

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